Identifying Your Firmware version: AquaCalc Pro
From the Main Menu of the AquaCalc Pro:
- Select “System Preferences”.
- In the System Preferences screen Select the About softkey.
The firmware version number is displayed on the second line below the Serial Number (S/N) and will look like:
F/W: AQP-1V1.x.x
The numbers following the “V” identify the firmware version.
Identifying Your Firmware version: AquaCalc 5000
The AquaCalc 5000 comes with either of two versions of firmware: The Basic (G) firmware or the Advanced
(formerly known as the Professional Series) firmware (H). There may be several revisions within each version (such as G1-G7a or H1-H7a, etc.).
The version of firmware you have in your AquaCalc can be determined when you first turn on the unit. The display will first flash the opening screen looking
something like:
AQUACALC 5000 JBS Inst. 199x
which show the model and date of the firmware. This is followed by a second screen that will show the letter and numbers identifying the version and revision numbers.
Identifying Basic firmware versions
When first turned on the Basic firmware will show:
Version AQC5.G5 Copyright 199x
The above shows the Basic firmware (G) revision 5, for the AquaCalc 5000 with a built-in clock (AQC5).
Recent Basic firmware revisions
G5 - Stable release for available for several years
G6 - Added New Standard 2 Rating Tables. Unfortunately introduced problems with counting.
- Fixed counting problem introduced with G6. Added new counting algorithm that reduces turbulent flow resets. Contains a default
2:1 timing ratio from one revolution to the next which is not user selectable. If the time for a revolution is more than twice that for the
previous revolution, the AquaCalc registers turbulent flow conditions and resets.
G7b - June 8, 2000 Added user selectable sensitivity to turbulent flow conditions with a 4:1 or 8:1 settings.
Advanced Firmware
The Advanced firmware will show a screen like the following for revisions H1 through H6.
Version AQC5-US.H Copyright
For older versions, there is no way to tell which revision you have. More recent versions will show the complete version number and letter:
Ver. AQCUSH8a Copyright 2000
Recent Advanced Revision History
H5 - Stable release available for several years
H6 - Minor bug fixes, including a random problem with loading station zero.
H7 - Added New Standard 2 Rating Tables.
H8a - Internal JBS version. Not released
H8b - June 8, 2000 Added user selectable sensitivity to turbulent flow, which reduces resets. Useful mostly with Pygmy meters.
Contains a default 4:1 timing ratio and a user selectable “loose” ratio of 8:1 for conditions where you just have to measure. If the time for
a revolution is more than 4 times (or 8 times) that for the previous revolution, the AquaCalc registers turbulent flow conditions and resets.User selectable 4:1 or 8:1 timing ratios.