<title> <META NAME="description" CONTENT="AquaCalc LLC / JBS Instruments specializes in stream flow measurement devices like the AquaCalc that are used in the field of hydrology."> <META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="jbs instruments aquacalc aquacount stream flow measurement water discharge current meter hydrology usgs"> </title>

Click on the following headings to go to the download page for the specific device or software.  If you have problems downloading, installing or using any of these files, please contact customer support

AquaCalc DataLink Program InstallDataLink3Screens2

This program is used to transfer data between your AquaCalc and your computer.

AquaCalc Pro Plus DownloadsAPP on Rod showing connector

AquaCalc Pro Downloads AquaCalcProOnRod

AquaCalc 5000 DownloadsAquaCalc5000onWhite03


AquaCalc LLC. · telephone +1.916.372.0534 · e-mail: sales@aquacalc.com

Need Accessories or Cables?

We have replacement parts and cables for the AquaCalc line of stream flow computers including the Digital Pygmy Magnetic Head retro fit your old Pygmy Current Meter with a new digital magnetic sensor.

Find Accessories and Cables here.

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