AquaCalc Pro Analyzer
The AquaCalc Pro Analyzer Excel spreadsheet is installed with DataLink Pro. It is not necessary to download the AquaCalc Analyzer if you have installed the latest DataLink Pro.
The AquaCalc Pro Analyzer spreadsheets can be downloaded separately, it is not necessary to download and install the entire DataLink program if changes have been made only to the AquaCalc Analyzer.
After downloading and saving the new version of Analyzer to your hard disk (we recommend saving it in the AquaCalc DataLink Pro program folder, or in your My Documents folder or a sub-folder), open DataLink and
select the “Settings” button, and point DataLink to the new Analyzer file using the File Locations > Analyzer section.
Version 1.1.0 - September, 2010 - Download.
Fixed Bug: Fixed problem with large measurements not opening properly in Analyzer. Expanded to 180 data rows. Added capability to open version 2.0 output.
Version 1.0.1 - April 17, 2008 - Download.
Improved wall measurements handling in beginning vertical. Adjust Axis initially set to full width.
Revision History:
Version 1.0.0 First Release - February 20, 2008 .